Thaumatrope Business Cards?

In early 2010 i visited the Science Museum in London for one of the ‘lates’ evenings with a friend. We had a look at the schedule and Richard Wiseman’s Paranormality talk jumped out the page at us. Not knowing quite what to expect we took our seats in preparation for the show. Richard Wiseman wowed the crowd with his mixture of magic, deception and science. The massive imax screen showed Richards tricks in glorious detail as he worked through a mixture of visual and crowd participation events. After the show Richard gave out his Twitter address, so i grabbed my blackberry and added him to the @SayPrint work account. Later on that week @RichardWiseman responded to a post about our business cards saying he has always wanted one with a trick. This gave us an idea, so we set about looking into tricks we could do with a business card. After a little thought the Victorian Thaumatrope toy sprang to mind as something perfect for business cards. A Thaumatrope is traditionally a disc shaped piece of card with two images drawn or printed on either side. The card has two pieces of string attached to either side and when twirled quickly the images combine into one. Common themes like trees, birds and flowers were used in Victorian times with short riddles or poems around the rim. We decided to make a mock-up and see if the card would really work. After a couple of minutes of design we printed out the cards, cut them down and put a hole though each end. A rubber band seemed a better substitute for string allowing for some speedy spinning. The result was amazing, it really worked. The only question is, Should we redesign and produce a range of these for ?

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