DJ Work?

For many DJ’s the leap from bedroom to dj booth is huge. With so many other DJ’s trying to do the same thing how can you stand out and show your skills? Many people in the industry will tell you its “who you know” and to an extent it is but making connections is very important. A hot mixtape demo is vital but what about the overall package?

The first steps should be to make connections, and its never been easier with online printing companys providing business cards and flyers for cheap rates. When passing out or sending in your demo you need to include your contact details. In the past DJ’s have crudely scribbled this on the sticker, but times have moved on. Now a well designed business card will capture the attention of club owners & dj agencies. If you want to attract the general public leaving flyers in public places is a great idea to get gigs at party’s. Creating a facebook page is another way to create hype around you as an artist. The best way to get from Bedroom to rocking the club is to act and look professional. Go to gigs and make contacts and connections, with a decent business card you can make sure other djs and club owners have your contact details so that next time they need a dj you will be top of the list.


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