Business Card Advice


When ordering business cards online there are lots of things to consider. Something so simple can start to become a series of unanswered and complicated questions. When you come to ordering business cards online there are some key specifications you should check before placing your order:

A good quality business card will be on thick and dense material.  While many online business cards are printed on 300gsm card, we prefer to use 350gsm, for a better quality feel.

If you want a real lavish and luxury feel to your business card you can add lamination. The choice is often between either matt or gloss. Gloss gives that high end feel normally for use in the entertainment industry, while matt cards are often used in office type business and the services industry. At SayPrint you can choose either matt or gloss lamination.

Some online companies purposely don’t disclose the specifications of their cards so they can hide behind the price. Make sure you ask the right questions before ordering your cards. If you wish to order business cards online and want great quality service click here.


Where To Give Out Your Business Card?

Buying Business Cards online is so easy these days, but once you have received them what should you do? This may sound like stating the obvious but people miss so many opportunities to pass out their business card.

Exhibitions and work functions are always a popular choice, but often the recipient is littered with cards from other potential clients too. Everybody seems to be buying business cards online but giving them out is another issue altogether. Some of the most effective places to give out business cards are places you visit regularly. If you are in the a service industry and work with either the general public or small business, why not take advantage of the everyday places you may visit? The local newsagent, baker, butcher, garage, restaurant etc all need regular business services from I.T, bookkeeping, product supply, design and much more. If you are a regular and friendly customer that can always work in your favour. Remember to carry your business cards at all times and if the person you are talking to can use your services then pass them a card. Just passing somebody your card can often spark business talk so why not try it next time you are shopping?

View our wide range of designs for online business cards here.


Online Business Card Design: 3 Top Business Card Printing Tips:

Online Business Card Design: 3 Top Business Card Printing Tips:

1) Always include any industry affiliations or logos.
When producing your online business cards with Sayrint, always remember to include any industry affiliations or logos. This often helps to show you are a solid and trustworthy company. The same applies for any qualifications or awards you may have won. Your potential client will judge your company on the business card and accreditations will help.

2) Use the space on the back of your business card
Many business cards are only printed single sided. For a small charge printing companies like SayPrint will also print on the back. This gives you valuable retail space for more advertising or information about your company.

3) Use good quality card
Some of the cheaper printing companies use thin card or even paper. Don’t be fooled by free business card offers or massive too good to be true discounts. Check the paper weight and if it includes lamination. Any card above 300gsm will be useable and matt lamination always helps make the card feel quality and protected.

Online Business Cards – click here now to get started!
