Creative Flyers 2014

Marketing your business is becoming tougher, Creative flyers are a quick and punchy way to bring in the clients. It all starts with an idea, something that relates to your business and your clients. Remember being creative takes time so sit down and brainstorm. Decide what ideas and image you want to portray, then think about the best way to  deliver it. Below are some great examples of creative advertising. Some are from large company’s, others from small business.
Some of the above images were created by professional designers, but you don’t need to be a designer to have a good idea. Take your time and be creative, its always far more interesting than doing a boring flyer.


Amazing Business Cards 2014

Creative business cards are a wonderful way of attracting new clients /business. Getting your business message to sick in the mind of a potential client is paramount to them using you. Below are some examples of amazing business cards that other businesses have used. Have a look for some inspiration and then create your own.


The examples above are taken from all over the world and are an example of many processes and design. If you want to create something for yourself why not try


Order Business Cards Online – And Don’t Forget to Use The Back

Backs1Order Business Cards Online – And Don’t Forget to Use The Back

Order Business Cards Online and you are faced with a simple option, do you want single sided or double sided? At first, printing on the other side may seem wasteful or an unnecessary extravagance but think about the advertising potential. Depending on your type of business the back of the card can be valuable for many reasons and here are a few examples listed below.

*Special Offers
*Voucher Codes
*Opening Hours
*Map and Address
*Product Information
*QR Code
*Pictures and Images

Always remember when you order business cards online to think of the potential you may be missing and how it could affect your potential business. SayPrint offer a wide range of double sided business cards with simple and easy templates should you need them. Check them out here

Low Cost – High Quality
When you order business cards online with SayPrint you get amazing low prices as well as a high quality business card. SayPrint offer 100 single sided business cards for £8 in full colour and printed on 350gsm artboard. Lamination is also possible with SayPrint in both matt and gloss varieties. When you order business cards online from SayPrint you will receive professional quality cards from a company you can trust. Many websites promise the world and deliver very little by cutting corners. If you are trying to maximise your order why not check out the facebook page for money saving voucher codes?

Order Business Cards Online – To find out more about our high quality, low cost service click here.


Building Brands on a Budget with Online Business Cards


If you want to build a brand but are strapped for cash there are some simple solutions. Ordering online business cards is easy but what about the rest of your marketing materials? If you want to send a clear message to your customers you need to be consistent. In design terms this means picking a theme and keeping to it. SayPrint offer the same themes in all their items, so you can have matching business cards, flyers and leaflets.

When ordering online business cards , it’s best to use the same font as your other promotional materials. Decide what font you would like to use first and then apply this to all of your advertising. This helps people identify your style and thus remember your business.

On A Budget:
Ordering online business cards will always be cheaper than a high street store. But to help out even more, why not check out our offers page which frequently includes voucher codes for customers to use. This way you really can Build a Brand on a Budget.

Online Business Cards on a Budget – Click here to view our current offers.


Business Card Advice


When ordering business cards online there are lots of things to consider. Something so simple can start to become a series of unanswered and complicated questions. When you come to ordering business cards online there are some key specifications you should check before placing your order:

A good quality business card will be on thick and dense material.  While many online business cards are printed on 300gsm card, we prefer to use 350gsm, for a better quality feel.

If you want a real lavish and luxury feel to your business card you can add lamination. The choice is often between either matt or gloss. Gloss gives that high end feel normally for use in the entertainment industry, while matt cards are often used in office type business and the services industry. At SayPrint you can choose either matt or gloss lamination.

Some online companies purposely don’t disclose the specifications of their cards so they can hide behind the price. Make sure you ask the right questions before ordering your cards. If you wish to order business cards online and want great quality service click here.


Design Inspiration for Business Cards Online
Ordering business cards online is quick, simple and easy. The only thing that could slow you down in your quest for the perfect business card will be the design idea. Below are some great examples of business cards to give you inspiration when ordering your business cards online. BC2 BC3 BC4 BC5 BC6 BC7 BC8 BC9 BC10

To view our wide range of design templates and to order business cards online please click here.



Online Business Cards – The Perfect Solution for Start Up Businesses

Online Business Cards:
The Perfect Solution for Start Up Businesses

So you have taken the big leap into starting your own business. Printing will be a small but very important part of getting everything right. Ordering business cards online along with flyers and letterheads is something you will need to consider. Keeping costs low does not always mean you need to have a shabby product. Taking advantage of special offers, voucher codes and deals can always help get your business off the floor. Remember printing & design reflects your company as its often the first thing a customer sees. Using something cheap and badly prepared will always give a negative impression of your company. Try and impress your customers, they will always remember something original or quirky. As well as offering online

business cards SayPrint can also provide online flyer design and online leaflet design to match, to really establish your brand and help get your business off the ground.


Ordering Online Business Cards… Why SayPrint?

Ordering Online Business Cards… Why SayPrint?

SayPrint are a company based in North London who specialise in high quality digital printing. Ordering Business Cards online has never been easier but many online companies cut corners when printing. Many of our clients have previously used the market leaders but now use SayPrint because of the superior quality. It is an old cliché but you really do get what you pay for. Here are some helpful tips when ordering online business cards.

Check the thickness:
Paper weight/thickness is done in gsm – the higher the number the thicker the paper/card. A standard business card will be 300gsm but at SayPrint we use 350gsm, for a higher quality result.

SayPrint never advertise on our clients’ printing. Often print companies will do this for a reduction in the cost but it can look very cheap and tacky.

At SayPrint you are free to produce anything you like, from your own pictures to position of text. Many other sites only allow you to place text and pictures in fixed positions.

For higher quality online business cards try SayPrint today and see the difference for yourself.

Where To Give Out Your Business Card?

Buying Business Cards online is so easy these days, but once you have received them what should you do? This may sound like stating the obvious but people miss so many opportunities to pass out their business card.

Exhibitions and work functions are always a popular choice, but often the recipient is littered with cards from other potential clients too. Everybody seems to be buying business cards online but giving them out is another issue altogether. Some of the most effective places to give out business cards are places you visit regularly. If you are in the a service industry and work with either the general public or small business, why not take advantage of the everyday places you may visit? The local newsagent, baker, butcher, garage, restaurant etc all need regular business services from I.T, bookkeeping, product supply, design and much more. If you are a regular and friendly customer that can always work in your favour. Remember to carry your business cards at all times and if the person you are talking to can use your services then pass them a card. Just passing somebody your card can often spark business talk so why not try it next time you are shopping?

View our wide range of designs for online business cards here.
