Online Business Cards for Child Friendly-Businesses and Education

Online Business Cards for Child Friendly-Businesses and Education

If you work with children, or are in the education industry, a great way to get your name known is to use SayPrint to create your online business cards. We offer a fast and easy way to design and produce a wide range of promotional cards – and it is so easy to do. What is more it can all be done outside traditional working hours as SayPrint offers 24 hour access to design produce your business cards online.

There are many good reasons to use our services. For example, our online business cards are environmentally-friendly and we only print on FSC approved cards. This  means the paper we use comes from sustainable forests – so you can create your business cards with a clear conscience. Plus you can cut down on your carbon footprint, as designing your online business cards can all be done from the comfort of your own home.

We also offer a variety of dazzling online business card templates for those working in a wide range of industries including education or with children. So whether you offer private tuition, music lessons or children’s parties, all you have to do is to choose the best ready-made design to match your company image.

SayPrint offer high quality, low cost online business cards with quick turnaround service. So it won’t be long before you are handing out your cards and bringing more business your way!

In addition to producing online business cards for those working with children and in education, SayPrint also offer business cards online to those involved in art and design industries, photographers, pet care companies, personal trainers, the retail and fashion industry and more.

Online Business Cards –  click here to get started.

Online Business Cards for People in the Education Industry and those Working with Children

Whether you run a nursery, offer hip hop lessons, ballet classes, help with GCSE’s or provide children’s entertainment, you will want to advertise your services to parents in the local area.

One of the cheapest, fastest and successful ways to get your name known is by using SayPrint to create your business cards online. It may be that you offer singing lessons and want to tell people what you do. Perhaps you have bouncy castles for hire or are a party organiser and want parents to know you provide the best, most talked about children’s parties?

Designing and creating your business cards online is a great way to promote what you do. Use your card as a tiny leaflet or brochure and don’t forget to include all your contact details and relevant qualifications. If you offer reductions for block bookings also state this on your card.

Just use our ready-made templates to design your business cards online and it will take you the process step by step.  If you select the double sided option, the back of the card can serve as an appointment or loyalty card or it can be used for testimonials. Or perhaps you run a drama group and want to list past shows on the reverse of your card or awards your group has won?

Another great idea to promote your services is to use your card as a miniature leaflet and pin it up in the local school, village hall or community centre to get you noticed.

Designing for Child-Friendly Companies

Whether you offer private tuition to help bring children up to speed with their GCSE’s, run dance or drama classes, or organise sports activities for children, your services are vital to giving kids the best possible start in life.

There is always a demand for after school classes and these can be life-changing for the children who take part. So whether you offer piano lessons, swimming lessons or football training, producing your business cards online is a fast and effective way of getting your message across.

Perhaps you are a registered child minder and want to advertise this. Or maybe you run a pre-school group or after school club and want parents to know how you can benefit their child? Use your online business cards as a mini leaflet that serves to capture peoples’ imagination.

Children’s entertainers can also benefit from using SayPrint to create their business cards online. Whether you specialise in children’s party games, are a clown, magician or children’s DJ, or organise themed parties such as Princess or Pirate Parties, use your card to tell parents what you do.

Our Child-Friendly Ranges

Using our eye-catching ready-made templates is a great way to bring in more business.

We have templates for a whole host of businesses and organisations including nurseries, pre-school groups, story tellers, arts and crafts leaders, teachers, tutors, dance class leaders, party organisers and more.

The templates you see are only a small fraction of the ones we have. Just keep checking this page as more are added every day.

Business Cards Online – click here to get started

Football Advertising

Like many sports coaches, people in the football industry find it hard to reach out to the wider community to advertise their sessions / clubs. With a mass of competition and only word of mouth advertising many sessions and clubs don’t achieve the numbers necessary to continue. You could have the best facility’s and coaches in the country but if nobody knows about you, how will you survive?

Printed media has always been the most successful way of advertising sports sessions. Within the football community many successful clubs use magazine adverts, posters and flyers to get create a buzz around their business. With most football sessions taking place in either schools or public sports centres it gives your business a great advertising opportunity. If you use something eye catching and professional you are sure to gain attention from the mass of people who use the facility’s for other sports activity’s. Sports 4 Kidz are a London based company who use flyers to build a relationship between them and the parents at school. Often at the end of school the coaches walk around the playground handing out flyers and engaging with parents about their football sessions. Coupled with leaving flyers at the main reception and putting up posters for the children to see this has been a very effective way of filling sessions. Printed media can be expensive, but with company’s like SayPrint offering small run flyers with free template designs it has never been as cost effective. For a few pounds even the smallest club or coaching business can get enough flyers to boost their attendances. Make sure you keep in touch for special offers from company’s like SayPrint who often do crazy price deals via facebook, Taking advantage of this often makes the difference.

  • Personally pass out flyers
  • Be fun, bright & clear with your message
  • Include all costs, times and locations of sessions