Sports Club Flyers & Promotion

Looking to boost the numbers of your sports team?

Need to raise awareness of a fund-raiser or event? offer a cost effective solution to help boost your Sports club. With 100s of quick and easy templates ready to be customised you can start promoting the team or event within days. With quantity’s of 50 – 5000 SayPrint cater for all sizes of sports club or event, giving you the flexibility to promote your business in style but not blow the budget.

Promoting your Sports Club is a very positive way of increasing numbers and attracting new members from the wider community. Attracting possible participants with joining offers is always a good way to encourage people to join a sports club. Handing out the leaflets to potential candidates is far better than putting them through random doors, so think about places you can hand out the materials. Places like Schools and Leisure centres often encourage people to hand out flyers for Sports Clubs or events.

Take the first step today by visiting SayPrint.Image

Winning Customers With Leaflets:

Promoting your business with a leaflet is a great way of expanding and attracting new customers and online leaflet design makes it easier than ever to create great looking leaflets. Sending the right image is always very important as a potential customer will make decisions on you and your company in seconds. A well designed leaflet gives the impression of professionalism, whereas a badly designed leaflet will make your company look unorganised and cheap. SayPrint’s online leaflet design service offers some amazing templates as well as printing on quality card material.

Your image:

Always remember to be honest, represent what you do and present this to customers. If you offer a low cost service be proud of this and attract customers looking for a low cost service. Representing your company correctly will attract the right kind of business.


Designing an effective flyer / leaflet

How to Design an effective and useful flyer or Leaflet.

Leaflets and flyers can be a very effective way of marketing, but this all depends on the content and design. We have all been passed leaflets on the street or seen flyers on our local businesses counter. What grabs peoples attention, and what makes it successful?

A marketing campaign often relies on people taking some form of action, be that phoning a telephone number, looking on a website, or signing up to a scheme. The main focus of any leaflet is to convert as many people as possible to take this action.

Below are a few simple techniques to help you achieve a simple but effect leaflet.

The professional look:
The best way to make a leaflet stand out is to use a professional designer or template. Companies like SayPrint offer templates that you can lay the text and photo elements over. This process gives you a professional look for a fraction of the price. An unprofessional leaflet will often cause more harm than good in regards to advertising, so be careful and make sure you are giving the right image for your business.

Lost of people forget the basics of design and how important they impact on your potential customer. Using contrasting colours and big bold lettering grabs peoples attention. If you are promoting an offer, be short, snappy and bold for example: “50% off” “Sale Now On” “Click Here”.

Text Style:
Begin with forming an attention grabbing title or headline. Make sure you don’t use long drawn out sentences, remember this isn’t a novel or literacy exercise. Try and use bullet points to capture peoples attention and get straight to the point. Use power words like “avoid” “free” “money” “fast” “new” “deal” “offer”, These words are known to grab peoples attention when used alone or in a group of text.

its a cliché but a picture says a thousand words. Make sure all pictures are as professional or clean as possible. Customers want to feel you are well organised, so poorly lit pictures from a camera phone will not give the right impression.

A call to action:
What do you want the reader to do next? Each business will be different, but the same principles apply. Make it simple and easy for the reader and never be passive inviting the reader to “for more information contact us on”. Instead tell them the facts and invoke a reaction for example: “buy now” “call us today” “book before date for the discount”.

Much like design the printing is paramount in providing an image of your company. A cheap, thin flyer or leaflet gives the impression you cant afford to advertise or that you are desperate. Using lamination or gloss leaflets often helps give that plush feeling along with decent weight paper. A customer will judge your whole company on its advertising, so don’t skimp on the important stuff. Try SayPrint for great offers and extremely good quality printing.

Tutor Advertising – Order Flyers Online at SayPrint

Ordering flyers online could not be easier for Tutors with company’s like SayPrint. Tutors from all sectors need a way to attract clients. Leaflets and Flyers are a great way of spreading the word if you target the right areas. For a English tutor, leaving leaflets in school receptions works well as the target audience of parents will see them regularly. Ordering flyers online is quick and easy which means that they can be done just a couple of days before they are needed. Dance tutors may want to include photos of classes or the venue. This can all be done by uploading your photos to SayPrint. Always remember promotion is key to a successful business of any size.

With a vast amount of templates for all businesses, SayPrint really is a one stop shop for all tutors. You can add all your own information and then just wait for the print to arrive in 24-48 hours.

Football Advertising

Like many sports coaches, people in the football industry find it hard to reach out to the wider community to advertise their sessions / clubs. With a mass of competition and only word of mouth advertising many sessions and clubs don’t achieve the numbers necessary to continue. You could have the best facility’s and coaches in the country but if nobody knows about you, how will you survive?

Printed media has always been the most successful way of advertising sports sessions. Within the football community many successful clubs use magazine adverts, posters and flyers to get create a buzz around their business. With most football sessions taking place in either schools or public sports centres it gives your business a great advertising opportunity. If you use something eye catching and professional you are sure to gain attention from the mass of people who use the facility’s for other sports activity’s. Sports 4 Kidz are a London based company who use flyers to build a relationship between them and the parents at school. Often at the end of school the coaches walk around the playground handing out flyers and engaging with parents about their football sessions. Coupled with leaving flyers at the main reception and putting up posters for the children to see this has been a very effective way of filling sessions. Printed media can be expensive, but with company’s like SayPrint offering small run flyers with free template designs it has never been as cost effective. For a few pounds even the smallest club or coaching business can get enough flyers to boost their attendances. Make sure you keep in touch for special offers from company’s like SayPrint who often do crazy price deals via facebook, Taking advantage of this often makes the difference.

  • Personally pass out flyers
  • Be fun, bright & clear with your message
  • Include all costs, times and locations of sessions