Football Advertising

Like many sports coaches, people in the football industry find it hard to reach out to the wider community to advertise their sessions / clubs. With a mass of competition and only word of mouth advertising many sessions and clubs don’t achieve the numbers necessary to continue. You could have the best facility’s and coaches in the country but if nobody knows about you, how will you survive?

Printed media has always been the most successful way of advertising sports sessions. Within the football community many successful clubs use magazine adverts, posters and flyers to get create a buzz around their business. With most football sessions taking place in either schools or public sports centres it gives your business a great advertising opportunity. If you use something eye catching and professional you are sure to gain attention from the mass of people who use the facility’s for other sports activity’s. Sports 4 Kidz are a London based company who use flyers to build a relationship between them and the parents at school. Often at the end of school the coaches walk around the playground handing out flyers and engaging with parents about their football sessions. Coupled with leaving flyers at the main reception and putting up posters for the children to see this has been a very effective way of filling sessions. Printed media can be expensive, but with company’s like SayPrint offering small run flyers with free template designs it has never been as cost effective. For a few pounds even the smallest club or coaching business can get enough flyers to boost their attendances. Make sure you keep in touch for special offers from company’s like SayPrint who often do crazy price deals via facebook, Taking advantage of this often makes the difference.

  • Personally pass out flyers
  • Be fun, bright & clear with your message
  • Include all costs, times and locations of sessions