Frequent Flyers


SayPrint are fast becoming the go-to place to design and print your flyers. With a great range of templates and the option to upload your own artwork SayPrint offer a service that’s second to none.

Club Flyers are very popular with SayPrint customers, looking to impress the party community with great design and impressive quality printing. A cheap looking flyer can give off the impression that your party or company is cheap, so why not make sure you present your company with the best.

Business Flyers can help raise awareness of a company or product. Always remember that the consumer will make an opinion on your business based on the flyer you give them. If you have a premium product make sure the advertising material match it, otherwise you will be giving off the wrong impression.

Check out for more info and to order your Flyers Today!


Events Advertising

Event management has always been heavily dependant on advertising. Whatever type of event management you do you will need some form or invitation or advertising giving people the information on your event. Marketing is the forefront of a good party or event.

Music Events:
If you are advertising a music event it is likely that you want to promote this to the general public or the following of a music scene. Flyers, Posters and social media advertising is the typical way of hooking in the customers. Business Card size flyers are becoming more popular as the standard A6 can be bulking for people to carry. Traditionally all flyers have been printed lithographically which can be expensive if you only want a few hundred. Now company’s like SayPrint offer a cheaper digital solution from around £15.

Whether you are planning a private or public party you will need to give people the key information. Invites and flyers still need the same basic information like, Time, Date, Venue, Address, Dress Code etc. Remember to include any contact telephone numbers or email addresses. Flyers and Invitations are a great way of advertising and now can be done on a budget. Previously you had to pay for a design, then print on a big expensive machine costing you a fortune. Now you can get professional party invites and flyers for £15 from SayPrint.

Wedding invitations are always special as they are the first contact between the couple and the people they wish to spend their special day with. Much like Party’s the invite needs to have all the key information. Wedding invites can be very expensive and with the costs of modern weddings people want champagne invited for sparking wine money. SayPrint offer an amazing range of invites all ready for you to personalise. Why not check it out? SayPrint

DJ Work?

For many DJ’s the leap from bedroom to dj booth is huge. With so many other DJ’s trying to do the same thing how can you stand out and show your skills? Many people in the industry will tell you its “who you know” and to an extent it is but making connections is very important. A hot mixtape demo is vital but what about the overall package?

The first steps should be to make connections, and its never been easier with online printing companys providing business cards and flyers for cheap rates. When passing out or sending in your demo you need to include your contact details. In the past DJ’s have crudely scribbled this on the sticker, but times have moved on. Now a well designed business card will capture the attention of club owners & dj agencies. If you want to attract the general public leaving flyers in public places is a great idea to get gigs at party’s. Creating a facebook page is another way to create hype around you as an artist. The best way to get from Bedroom to rocking the club is to act and look professional. Go to gigs and make contacts and connections, with a decent business card you can make sure other djs and club owners have your contact details so that next time they need a dj you will be top of the list.